Meet our New Volunteer: Yihan Bao of Information and Communication Technology and also at a China-based NGO named iGDP where she was a research assistant. We recently asked Yihan a few questions to learn more...

Where in the World is Dr. Rachael Consoli?

...Hospital with the Comboni sisters. How long did you serve? I was joyfully with CMMB for one year, from April 2015 to April 2016. Rachael Consoli leads a session with...

Aaron Cho: Where Is He Now?

...up with Aaron and learn what he has been up to since completing his internship. The questions and answers below are a part of a series – Where Are They...

Preparing To Serve: International Volunteer Orientation, and cultural competence Participating in a variety of workshops including, cross-cultural communication, storytelling, fundraising, and stress management (Phew! We told you it was a busy time.) Over the next...

Volunteer Orientation 2018

...together, stay together. Commitment Ceremony To end the three days, all the volunteers gathered along with the staff to share intentions, hopes, and well wishes. At the commitment ceremony Joanna,...

Volunteering in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan

...many people have reddish hair. If you’ve never seen this, it’s called Marasmus and it’s common among malnourished individuals. Another common ailment in this area is malaria. The most chronic,...