What Is Ailing Our Children?

...named Pasqual and the reality of his disease in a community where routine health check-ups are uncommon, and making the long and difficult journey to the hospital is reserved only...

Meet Emma Pontillo, NYC Intern

...Emerging Media (Communications). I am also minoring in International Humanitarian Studies, and hope to eventually pursue a graduate degree in Public Health. CMMB volunteer post: I am interning with the...

The Future is Bright for Mutomo, Kenya

...Hospital as an OB/GYN, bringing her skills, care, and compassion to the mothers and children of this vulnerable community. Along the way, she has met several health professionals who have...

Columbia University Students Create Ripples

...does for communities on a worldwide level, we knew that we needed to share this information with our community at the Mailman School of Public Health. Why did you want...

Do They Know It’s Christmastime At All in South Sudan?

...question posed by the title. The hit song, while written specifically about Ethiopia, extrapolated the dire circumstances of the famine (which, according to Human Rights Watch, was compounded by political...

Training for Resilience in the Global South

...medical crisis but a mental health crisis, for themselves as well as for the communities they serve. Recognizing this, the Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) which serves communities in Haiti,...

Lucky Number Twenty Three: Educating for Change

...in communities. This relies a lot on community education and encouraging behavior change. Rose recently celebrated her 23rd birthday in Zambia and to celebrate, she ran a workshop for community...

It’s About Time

...between cultures is common, for the Azande the unique perception of time is baked right into their language, Pazande. A brief disclaimer: I have no grasp at all of Pazande...