Meet Stephanie Summa: Our New Volunteer in Zambia

...many of us take for granted, but yet many lack. I think by solving this problem we would make huge positive gains in health outcomes and food supply.  ...

Meet Eileen: Volunteer in NYC

...would be your theme song? “Oh Silver Moon” Aria from Dvorak’s Rusalka Imagine if you were an animal which would you be and why? A red tailed hawk, because...

Meet Lucian: Volunteer in Haiti

...national newspaper. What’s the headline? Lucian Lee: First Malaysian To Land On Mars What would be your theme song? The Sound by The 1975 What is your hope for...

Meet Wilmar Belizaire: Volunteer turned Staff in Haiti

...things worse. Favorite speech or Ted Talk: “The danger of a single story” by Chimamanda Ngozi.   If you could solve one world problem, what would it be? I...

Meet Dr. Mary Fleming: Volunteer in Kenya

...Morning by Maya Angelou. January 19, 1993, at the Inauguration of President Clinton If you could solve one world problem, what would it be? Hunger. Not having access to...

Meet Brynn Macaulay: Volunteer in Peru

...The Lumineers Imagine if you were an animal – which would you be and why? I’d be an elephant. They’re my favorite animals – majestic, maternal, and unhurried. What...

Global Health Week: RSVP Fairfield follow Oops! We could not locate your form. Watch the Trailer: A Brief History of Dr. Tom: He studied engineering at Brown University, where he was also an...

WATCH: Restoring Healthcare and Human Dignity to All we journey to South Sudan and witness the lifesaving work you helped make possible.   Inspired by faith and a belief in the value and dignity of every...