Board Toolkit

...and communities where we work. We are here to support you. Should you have questions or are seeking suggestions, our Communications and Partnerships teams are here to support you. From...

Alleviating the Cost of Health

In the Dominican Republic, health comes at a cost. While basic, government healthcare is free, the medications needed to sustain health are not. This is especially dangerous for people living...

FreeWill Redirect – Plan My Gift

This is a redirect page for on Planned Giving website pages to

FreeWill Redirect – Plan My Beneficiaries

This is a redirect page for on Planned Giving website pages to

DAF Direct

This is a redirect page for the website.

Meet Iman: Volunteer in NYC Science, and is planning on attending CUNY Hunter College to study biology in this coming fall. She is very interested in children’s health in under developed countries and hopes...

Meet Stephanie Summa: Our New Volunteer in Zambia

...many of us take for granted, but yet many lack. I think by solving this problem we would make huge positive gains in health outcomes and food supply.  ...

Meet Eileen: Volunteer in NYC

...would be your theme song? “Oh Silver Moon” Aria from Dvorak’s Rusalka Imagine if you were an animal which would you be and why? A red tailed hawk, because...

Meet Lucian: Volunteer in Haiti

...national newspaper. What’s the headline? Lucian Lee: First Malaysian To Land On Mars What would be your theme song? The Sound by The 1975 What is your hope for...