This Father’s Day, Save Lives

It’s common sense. Ambulances and emergency vehicles save lives. But sadly, most mission hospitals and health facilities serving the poorest communities just can’t afford them. That means pregnant women and...

Cholera Clean-up in Zambia

...these underlying problems must be addressed – community-wide, city-wide, and nation-wide. Ms. Walusiku-Mwewa seeks to do just this. She seeks to start at the community level to encourage a collective...

A Silver Medal for CMMB’s Website on the much-deserved recognition.” The Communicator Awards is recognized as the largest and most competitive awards program of its kind. The awards honor creative excellence for communication professionals. All...

Finding Calcutta in ‘The Heart of Nuba’

...approval, it took about a week of begging before he granted me an interview. I asked many questions. He offered articulate yet passionate answers. Our conversation continued to come back...

Preventing Stolen Lives: We’re Ready To Beat Malaria

...many pregnant women delay coming to health facilities for antenatal visits, making it difficult for health workers to provide the critical care they need during an emergency. In remote communities...

New Surgical Unit and Blood Bank in South Sudan

...implementation. The Comboni Sisters – The Comboni Sisters manage and operate the hospital on behalf of the diocese. Sr. Laura Gemignani is the hospital’s chief administrator and has been instrumental...

The Eternal Spring – Your Weekly Reflection from CMMB

“Sir, give me this water, so that I may not be thirsty or have to keep coming here to draw water.” —John 4:14 In today’s Gospel, we read...