My name is Dieunette, I’m 34 and I have 3 children. We live in Côte-de-Fer, Haiti.

Life has always been challenging, but last year I joined a savings group through CMMB and things are getting better. This program teaches women how to save money and run a business.

I got a loan of 2,000 gourdes ($32 US) to be repaid in 4 months at 550 gourdes ($7 US) a month. This is a great opportunity that CMMB offers me as a mom to be more financially independent and be able to take care of my family. I used the money to start my business selling bread. And now I am saving money, something that wasn’t possible before.

I am doing things I never dreamed I could do – saving money, and providing regular food in the house.  In the future, I would like to increase my credit to expand my bakery. There is nothing better than being able to take care of myself and my family. I thank you for helping make this possible.

I hope that CMMB will continue the savings group program. It works really well. I hope more women in my community will be able to take part.

From me and all my family – thanks for all that you do to help us make our lives better.


Help to ensure women like Dieunette receive microloans that lead to MACRO change.

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