Cherio is a CMMB employee

My mom’s name:

Veronica Akinyi Okiiry

I am Celebrating My Mother Because:

of the phenomenal woman that she is! In so many ways I draw my inspiration from her. My mother has a big heart, there is always room for everyone in her heart. I cannot begin to count the number of children she has adopted in her lifetime. Her generous spirit has impacted a lot of lives, and I am so proud to be her daughter! My father once told me that if I could be even half of the woman my mother is, then I would already consider myself successful in life. Thank you, mum for being the phenomenon woman that you are!

Graduation day with mom celebrating mother's day


How my mother has inspired me: 

My mum has been a pillar of strength in our family. She has endured so much. She gave birth to me at the early age of 18, right after finishing high school. She has had many medical issues – she lost one of her Kidneys at the age of 23 and lost her uterus at 30 which sent her into early menopause. Yet through all this, she has walked with strength and grace. She has always kept her family first before all else. Her unconditional love to all of her three children amazes me. We have let her down one too many times, but her love for us has never changed. For example, my younger sister had two children out of wedlock, she has never for a minute been scornful towards her, she has embraced these two children as her own and currently lives with both of them. Because of how rocky her marriage started, she never got to do a wedding in the initial years of her marriage life, last year though, she got to do the wedding of her dreams, one she has waited for these past 30 years. This just goes to show you how enduring, patient, and hopeful my mother is. I would not trade this lovely woman for the world! I thank God every day for choosing her for me! She is my angel, and miracle from God. Happy mother’s day my queen!
Cherio's mom at her wedding day I am celebrating my mother because