These are the Children of Haiti


John in Haiti is celebrating his mother and his grandmother

“I love my mom and my grandmother because they take care of me when I am sick.” – John

IamCMMB Marie Mica and her son

“I love my mom because she does my laundry!” – Valentine


Jenny's mom left so she is celebrating her dad this mother's day.

“I love my dad because he takes care of me.” – Jenny. (Jenny’s mom left the family so she is celebrating her father.)


Onelson and his mama. I am CMMB

“I love my mom because she works hard to take care of me.” – Onelson


Gladimir is celebrating his mother. IamCMMB

“I love my mom because she sends me to school.” – Gladimir


Ismaiden and his mama I am cmmb

“I love my mom because she works hard to take care of me.” – Ismaiden (in his mama’s arms) and his big brother