God made a promise long ago that he would always be with us and would always love us. To some, this promise seems too good to be true. We know that God fulfilled that promise by sending his only Son, Jesus. Jesus, in turn, sent the Holy Spirit to be with us at all times. Even so, we sometimes doubt God’s promise.

In this Sunday’s Gospel, we hear that Peter experienced doubt too. When Peter sees Jesus walking across the stormy sea, he asks Jesus to call him out onto the water, and Jesus grants this request. Peter is able to walk on the water—until fear and doubt overtake him. Jesus reaches out to Peter and saves him. When Jesus and Peter enter the boat, Matthew’s Gospel reports that the wind ceases, and the disciples realize that Jesus is the Son of God.

It is natural for any of us to experience doubts regarding the presence and power of God when we are faced with difficult challenges. In our work with women and children living in extreme poverty,we can be challenged by doubt when we see the pain caused by hungerthirst, and illness. Faith in Jesus will allow us—as true disciples—to do the work that we know must be done.

In the coming week, pay attention to the times when you feel like you are sinking—when problems begin to overwhelm you. Remember that Jesus is there with you, keeping God’s promise and reaching out his hand to lift you up.

Yours in grace,
CMMB/Healthier Lives Worldwide
*Today’s reflection was adapted from and inspired by the Loyola Press Sunday Connection.

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