The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. – Matthew 21:33-43

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells the chief priests and elders a story filled with symbolism about a land owner and his wicked tenants. Jesus’ audience at the time would have recognized the symbolism of the vineyard (Israel), the land owner (God), and the tenants (the Pharisees). They would also have understood the parable’s meaning: the Kingdom of God is for the faithful. The message for us in today’s Gospel is also clear: God wants us to love and obey him.

It takes hard work to be God’s obedient servant. Through our work, we meet so many vulnerable women who lovingly make sacrifices for the benefit of their families. They miraculously scrape together school fees and miss meals so their children can eat. Their strength is founded on faith and the belief in a better future.

We know that love, respect, and support can empower these “obedient servants” and help them overcome tremendous obstacles, many of which are out of their control. Malvina is one of our CMMB community health workers in Peru. Today, she is a respected advisor and leader for the women in her poor neighborhood. Unfortunately, like many girls in marginalized communities, Malvina was an early victim of child labor, exploitation, and domestic violence. She never had the chance to complete school. With support from CMMB, Malvina learned how to keep her children healthy. She was inspired to learn even more, and eventually became a trained community health workerCMMB has also empowered Malvina with the knowledge that she has a right to be treated with respect and decency. Through her role with CMMB Peru, Malvina finds joy helping others. She sets an example of what can be achieved with hope and hard work. She dreams of the day when her daughters will escape a cycle of poverty that she is working so hard to overcome.

Through all the obstacles that Malvina faced, she never gave up. Our faith teaches us that God never gives up either. No matter how many times we may fail on our journey as “obedient servant,” God continues to love us. There is always another chance. It’s never too late to try again, to ask forgiveness, to right a wrong, or to keep reaching for the perfection of Heaven.

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