Sister Jane and our staff at St. Theresa Hospital in South Sudan send smiles and blessings to our CMMB faith community.

A Catholic Meditation

Memorial Day weekend marks the beginning of the summer season. It’s a time when we begin planning for long, warm days and many of us look forward to summer vacations. In the midst of all these plans, have you thought about fitting God into your summer?

Will you find God in the natural beauty of a garden or in the sound of waves crashing on a beach?

Will you take God along with you on summer travels, remembering the virtues of patience and gratitude along the way?

Will you rediscover how to talk to God in a familiar place close to home, taking comfort in his company?

Wherever this summer may take our CMMB global family, let’s remember that every season is a special time with God. Bishop Robert Morneau recited this poem from memory during an event for Catholics on Call. Consider your summer with God by reflecting on these words.

Ten thousand flowers in spring, the moon in autumn,
a cool breeze in summer, snow in winter.
If your mind isn’t clouded by unnecessary things,
this is the best season of your life.

~Wu Men

 *Adapted from an essay by Maggie Cong-Huyen, a contributor for Catholics on Call.

 Stories of Children Living in Extreme Poverty


Alice Mutali Mary 14 years and disabled

Life is especially difficult for Alice in Kenya. As a child with special needs, she faces stigma and exclusion from her community. She has never been able to go to school.  You can change that. Give Alice a chance to reach her potential with dignity and love.

CLICK HERE to read Alice’s story

Germain, winter 2018

Our team in Haiti has identified Germain as a child who desperately needs help. He is at-risk for acute malnutrition, currently eating just one meal a day. He relies on an uncle for support, but the entire family is struggling to survive. You can feed a hungry child.

CLICK HERE to read Germain’s story

Louise_Haiti Angel 2018

Louise is the baby of her family, depending on the generosity of an extended family. With little food and exposure to contaminated water, her health is fragile. Louise needs immediate access to healthcare, including critical childhood vaccinations. Help now.

CLICK HERE to read Louise’s story