Dr. James Murphy has served as a CMMB medical volunteer in the Tamale Teaching Hospital located in the north of Ghana since 2006.
Tamale Teaching Hospital functions as a referral facility for the Northern, Upper East, and Upper West Regions of Ghana. This means that when any other facility in this large catchment area of 2 million has a patient that cannot be treated, the patient is sent to Tamale to seek care. One specialized area of health that is often referred over to Tamale is Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT), which is Dr. Murphy’s expertise. People routinely travel hundreds of miles to seek treatment for dizziness, breathing issues, and foreign object removal, which he is able to assist with.
Beyond working long hours to help these patients, Dr. Murphy is determined to make sure that the facility is equipped to provide continuing, and even improving, care after his time in Ghana has ended. He is currently training three other ENT physicians, all Ghanaians born in the area. In addition, he works with a variety of organizations (with support and coordination from CMMB) to seek donations for repair or replacement of specific pieces of equipment as well as medical supplies needed for ENT operations.
Thanks to Dr. Murphy, the people of northern Ghana can receive a critical level of care they otherwise would not have access to.
Thank you, Dr. Murphy!