We believe women deserve dignity as they faithfully struggle to provide for the economic well being of their families. Women like Dorothy are the reason why:

Dorothy is one of a group of women entrepreneurs in Zambia. They design and sew beautiful quilts, which they sell in their local village. The quilts and their economic independence are a source of pride among the women.

Working together, these talented and hardworking women develop a sense of camaraderie and friendship. These positive relationships strengthen their roles as entrepreneurs and role models for other women in their community.


“Making money of my own has changed my life.”

Around the world, when women earn an income, they are more likely to reinvest up to 90% of that money into their families. This has a ripple effect that benefits not only their children, but also their communities and their local economies. (Source: Worldwatch.org).

CMMB empowers women by providing knowledge and access to microloans so that women, like Dorothy, and their communities can thrive.