CMMB Releases New Podcast – CMMB Weekly Reflection

New weekly podcast reflects on the impact of CMMB’s work around the world for women and children — seeing our faith in action.

CMMB is thrilled to announce our new weekly podcast, titled CMMB Weekly Reflection. Publishing new episodes every Sunday, the podcast dives into the weekly gospel and relates the reading to different elements of our work with women and children around the world.

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From interviews with our medical volunteers to updates from our country office staff, the podcast investigates how our Catholic faith inspires and motivates us to serve women and children in need with dignity, respect, and love.

“The CMMB Weekly Reflection podcast comes at a crucial time in global health, as COVID-19 exacerbates existing inequalities and vulnerabilities in the low-resource countries where we work,” said Luke Dougherty, host of the podcast. “The podcast centers our work to deliver the best possible health solutions to women and children around the world in the context of the weekly gospel. We invite audiences into thoughtful conversations with CMMB health experts, religious leaders, and inspirational figures past and present.”

Top 5 CMMB Weekly Reflection Posts

While you wait for our next episode, here are our five best Weekly Reflection posts from the past:  

1. Find Comfort in the Word of the Lord

A mother and child are screen for COVID at CMMB's Bishop Joseph Sullivan Center for Health hospital in Haiti in July 2020.

A mother and child are screen for COVID at CMMB’s Bishop Joseph Sullivan Center for Health hospital in Haiti in July 2020.

People around the world go without enough food to eat, water to drink or the resources to receive a proper education. At the same time, a pandemic is leaving no part of the world untouched. But as a global community we all must push forward.

2. To Love God Is To Love Your Neighbor

Bishop Jospeh Sullivan Center for Health hospital in southeast Haiti in July 2020.

Bishop Jospeh Sullivan Center for Health hospital in southeast Haiti in July 2020.

“Our fear is everyone’s fear,” said Dr. Laguerre, the hospital director at the Bishop Joseph Sullivan Hospital. The Bishop Joseph Sullivan Center for Health in southeast Haiti is at the forefront of our response efforts.

3. Seek Out Those In Need and Serve

Kerna is a community health worker in Haiti

Kerna is a community health worker in Haiti who has saved lives.

“When you work in the field it’s never easy. Once you visit a family, you become responsible for them. I’m trusted by my community and I work with all my heart because I love my job.” said Kerna, a CMMB community health worker in Haiti.

4. Actions Give Credence to Words

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at press conference in 1964.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at a press conference in 1964.

“I value this time each year to reflect on the life, words and wisdom of Dr. King and to consider how I might contribute to a more just and peaceful world. I hope I do so through my role at CMMB,” said Darnelle Bernier, CMMB’s Vice President of the Medical Donations Program.

5. Practice Makes Perfect

Volunteers Jessica and Andree pose with baby Dillion, Diajero, and mom Diana

Volunteers Jessica and Andree pose with baby Dillion, Diajero, and mom Diana.

Andree Louvierre is a CMMB volunteer who served as a nurse in Trujillo, Peru in 2019. She shared with us the special bond she forged with Diana, a CMMB community health worker.