In today’s Gospel, Jesus continues to receive questions about his identity and teachings. How is Jesus the living bread? How does Jesus give the gift of life? These truths are at the core of Jesus’ teachings—and at the core of our relationship with Jesus. We make the choice to embrace these truths.

“I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever,” said Jesus.

Hearing these words, the questions and quarrels among the crowds continue. But belief is a choice. We believe in Jesus because we choose faith.

At CMMB, we choose to walk in Jesus’ footsteps. We choose to serve our brothers and sisters in need, even when the future is uncertain. Our reading of this Gospel follows close behind the anniversary of Haiti’s 2021 earthquake. This anniversary marked the third year of an event that brought such catastrophe and hopelessness to the very people we serve, the very people we work alongside.

Our response took shape in just hours and persisted in the weeks, months, and even years following the quake. Treacherous political upheaval added to the suffering. So much uncertainty was left in the wake of the disaster. Our team continues to grapple with this same uncertainty, even today.

Despite the challenges, we have never lost sight of our faith—our belief that peace will come. Thank you. Your support helps fuel our faith, our prayers, and our ongoing work in Haiti.