Over the past weeks, we have read about Jesus’ identity. We have met the crowds that gathered around Jesus with questions. And, in our reflections, we have confronted the challenges that many early followers encountered in their faith.  

In today’s Gospel, the crowds are smaller and many of the disciples have “returned to their former way of life.”  

Only twelve disciples remained when Jesus asked, “Do you also want to leave?”  

Simon Peter responded, “You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe…”  

Now, firm in their belief, the disciples must put their faith into action. At CMMB, we witness faith in action daily.  

We see it through the mother who walks all day, her sick child in her arms, to reach the nearest health facility. We see it through the health worker who ushers this mother through the hospital doors with reassurance and compassion. We see it through you, whose generosity means this health worker has the resources and training to provide quality medical care.  

We each have an impact when we put our faith into action. But just look at all that is possible when we do so together. Thank you for believing in our mission at CMMB. Thank you for putting your faith in action alongside us.