Right before Victoria heads off to school in the morning, she fetches water from the borehole next to her house. The water is now safe to drink after CMMB repaired the borehole earlier this year. It was a life-changing development in this rural and impoverished community of South Sudan.

Victoria remembers what it was like during the years when the borehole was nonfunctional. It is a time she will likely never forget. There were the early dawn wakeup calls that brought her out of bed before the sun fully rose. Then, the mile-long walk to the only well that stayed replenished throughout the wet and dry seasons. Despite the mud and the dangers of drinking dirty water, over 80 households relied on the well daily, Victoria’s included.

The health implications of contaminated water are costly. Globally, it’s estimated that one million people die each year from diarrhea, as a direct result of unsafe drinking water and improper sanitation. In South Sudan 59% of the population lives without a reliable access to safe water.

Victoria’s water challenges also impacted her education. If she arrived at the well late, she would have to wait her turn in line. As a result, she would not make it to school on time. Sometimes not at all… The repaired borehole means she no longer must choose between her education and water.

“I am so happy that CMMB South Sudan solved our problem of access to safe water,” says Victoria. “I attend classes every day and I believe my performance is going to improve greatly.”

Water for peace and sustainability

No mother should have to give her children water she knows might cause them to fall ill. No child should have to choose between walking to school or walking to fetch water.

Every year during World Water Week, CMMB recommits itself to expanding access to reliable and clean water around the world. This year, with a global theme that calls on water for peace and a sustainable future, we are grateful for our long-term partnership with P&G. Together, we have distributed water purification products, repaired boreholes, built sustainable water systems, and provided dignified sanitation resources to schools, hospitals, and homes