A Faithful Father’s Story: Courage, Not Fear—Your Weekly Reflection

In every life, challenges are unavoidable. But so, too, are the triumphs of courageously overcoming them through faith. In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells his disciples to embrace setbacks with courage, instead of fear—to speak the Good News in the light and proclaim it on the housetops!
“Therefore do not be afraid of them. Nothing is concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known. What I say to you in the darkness, speak in the light; what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops.” – Matthew 10:26-27
This month, CMMB and our global community recognize the world’s families in crisis—especially those who’ve been forced to flee, leaving everything behind, suffering the tragic loss of life and more, while simply seeking a safe place to call home. As we reflect on the complex and challenging experiences of the world’s refugees and other families in crisis, we find ourselves incredibly inspired by their courage.
In their honor, we share Muhammad’s story… Forced to flee due to ongoing violence in Syria—in fact, their home was bombed and unlivable, the neighborhood unsafe—he and his family ended up with next to nothing, and ultimately couldn’t afford the medication on which Muhammad’s health so critically depends.
Today, Muhammad and his children live in a refugee camp for displaced people in Ghazala. This family’s life is paved with many uncertainties. But thanks to you and our partnership with Multifaith Alliance, Muhammad’s medication is one worry they no longer must bear.
Learn about Muhammad’s life-and-death story by visiting our blog.
This World Refugee Day highlights the struggles, the losses, and fear we can scarcely imagine of those living through family crises like Muhammad’s—as well as their courage.
At CMMB, we hold firm in our commitment to serve courageous families in crisis around the world. But it wouldn’t be possible without you. Thank you for sharing our commitment to do whatever it takes to serve every family, everywhere, in crisis.