Two young boys work together, navigating steep climbs with a full water container. They will carry this water back home to their families. The water is contaminated but it is all they have.

Two young boys negotiate their way over this steep and slippery terrain to bring water home to their families.

For children who live around Mutomo, Kenya, getting ready for the school day starts as early as 4 am. Not all children of course – only the ones whose families can afford the school fees. They are considered the lucky ones, but they still don’t have it easy.

Before they go to school, many of these children walk more than 7 miles over difficult terrain to the nearest water source, where they have to get in line and wait their turn, often for hours, to collect water for the day.

Apart from the steep and slippery climb, there are other dangers lurking, like poisonous snakes, crocodiles and human predators who prey on the vulnerable.

For most, the water they find is contaminated, but it’s all they have.

Two pictures, one of school children standing together outside a classroom, and an empty classroom with chalkboard and benches

School children in Kenya and their empty classroom.


After collecting the water, they repeat the journey, this time carrying gallons of water back home. Once home, they wash and get dressed and start the next journey – this time to school.

For many children, the daily job of finding and collecting water takes precedence over everything else;  it’s first and foremost a struggle for survival. In this area of Kenya, only 42% of children complete primary school, and water is a key determinant.

A safe water source at school would literally mean an oasis in their lives – a place where water is always available. No more thirst, clean hands, and a little bit of luxury in one of the driest places on earth.


With the purchase of sustainable filtration systems for these schools, thousands of children will access to clean water. This safe water source at school would literally be an oasis in their lives.

You can help by securing clean water for an individual child or by giving a larger gift of clean water for an entire school.

Today, let the living water of your faith flow, and help these children reach their full potential.

Children enter classroom sit squished on benches. Teacher greets children, closes door, starts reciting ABCs with class.

Children reciting ABCs at Kanziku Primary School

Join us in bringing clean water to the children of Mutomo, Kenya.