A Special Message at the Start of Holy Week

We write to you in gratitude on this Palm Sunday and the first day of Holy Week. On this special day in our faith, we read two Gospels. The first describes Jesus’ approach into Jerusalem.
As Jesus traveled on the back of a colt, the crowds both ahead and behind him proclaimed:
“Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is to come! Hosanna in the highest!”
The second Gospel describes the events of Jesus’ passion. It is near the end of this Gospel, after Jesus has taken his final breath, that a centurion cries out in belief:
“Truly this man was the Son of God!”
During this Holy Week, how will you reflect on Jesus’ passion? What preparations might you be making with your loved ones in anticipation of Easter Sunday? Many of our brothers and sisters will participate in prayer and reflection at mass throughout this week.
We are grateful to our board member Father Michael Hilbert, who will be remembering friends of CMMB at mass on Holy Thursday and Holy Saturday. Today, he shares a special message with all of you:
I want to extend my gratitude for your faith in our mission, especially during this time of escalating crises around the globe. We ask you to pray for all who are suffering and for the safety of our staff in Haiti. Please know that we keep you in our prayers. We will remember you at the mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday and at the Easter Vigil on Saturday night at Church of St. Ignatius Loyola. On behalf of all of us at CMMB, we wish you a happy Easter. Thank you and God bless.