Today’s Gospel may be considered in two parts. In the first, Jesus discusses God’s expectations with the Pharisees. In the second, Jesus shares an opportunity to reflect on what it means to be a community. It is this opportunity for reflection that we seek to embrace with you today.

Following Jesus’ conversation with the Pharisees, children approach him. The disciples turn the children away, but Jesus calls them back.

“Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these,” Jesus says to his disciples.

“Whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it,” he says.

How does this event contribute to our understanding of community? One way to consider this question is to reflect on what defines a community. For Jesus, it is trust—like the trust exhibited by the children who came to him.

Trust is at the core of our CMMB community. We share trust with our partners, who help us reach the most vulnerable corners of the world with transformational support. We share trust with our volunteers, who join our colleagues to pursue our mission. And we share trust with you, our generous supporter. Thank you for trusting in our mission and our commitment to putting your compassion into action.

You are part of our CMMB community, and we are incredibly grateful for your trust.