In today’s Gospel, the disciples learn that someone has been healing the sick in Jesus’ name. The disciples do not react positively to the news because the man is not a follower of Jesus.

The disciples share the news with Jesus. “Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in your name, and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow us.”

Jesus tells the disciples not to prevent the healings—not to hinder the man’s early exploration of his faith.

What can we learn from the disciples’ reaction and Jesus’ response? For us at CMMB, it serves as a reminder to celebrate all acts of kindness—no matter how great or small.

One of our core values at CMMB is love: to embrace and be compassionate towards all people. Sharing our gratitude and appreciation for the kindness of those around us is one of the ways we can embody this value for ourselves and others.

Thank you for joining us in our mission to deliver healthier lives worldwide. We hope you discover signs of love as you embark on this new week.