You will bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus.
– Luke 1:26-38

Today is the Fourth Sunday of Advent and the Vigil of Christmas. We can find comfort in knowing that Jesus was once just like us. He faced difficulties in his life, just as we do today. Jesus’ love for us surpasses all.

CMMB 2017 Christmas animation

This Christmas, let us contemplate the story of Jesus’ birth. Remember he was born in a stable, surrounded by farm animals, into an indescribably poor family. How extraordinary that this little boy should grow up to change the world. He was a gift of hope from God to all of us. This Christmas, may you find hope within and bring hope to others. There is no greater gift.

Merry Christmas!

*Today’s reflection was inspired by Desmond Fitzgerald, a member of CMMB’s Board of Directors.
Art and design by Alex Knoepffler.