Compelled by Compassion—Your Weekly Reflection

Jesus’ compassion inspires us. We are witness to his acts of kindness throughout the Bible. Today’s Gospel is no exception.
Here, we see Jesus approached by a man with leprosy. Mistreated by a community that fears his sickness, the man approaches Jesus and asks to be healed.
Jesus, with pure compassion and faith, touches the man and he is healed. After this miraculous event, Jesus asks the man not to share the details of his healing—but the man cannot keep it to himself.
“He spread the report abroad so that it was impossible for Jesus to enter a town openly. He remained outside in deserted places, and people kept coming to him from everywhere.”
Jesus’ actions are extraordinary. But so too is the compassion that compels him to act. Compassion is a core driver of our work at CMMB.
Serving in some of the most challenging contexts in the world, our staff, volunteers, and supported health workers are compelled by their compassion for those in need. Your support allows them to turn their compassion into action—for the mother in labor who needs to get to the hospital, for the community health worker who administers medicine to a child sick with malaria. You make these lifesaving actions possible. We graciously thank you for your continued support.