Embracing Lent—Your Weekly Reflection

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus shares the parable of the barren fig tree. The orchard owner is ready to cut it down, frustrated by its lack of fruit. But the gardener recommends embracing patience.
“Leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it,” said the gardener.
So, the owner gives the barren tree time to grow, to bear fruit in its own season.
During Lent, we are also called to embrace patience. It can be tempting to rush through these days, wishing for Easter’s joy and the warm renewal of spring. But Lent is a time of preparation—a season to reflect, pray, and open our hearts to transformation. Just as the fig tree needs care and nourishment, so do our bodies and souls. But growth takes time. Growth takes intention.
At CMMB, our Lenten reflections and practices strengthen our relationships with those in need. In our work, we witness the power of patience every day—whether in a child’s journey to recovery or a mother’s resilience. These moments remind us that meaningful change doesn’t happen overnight. But with faith, intention, and perseverance, it does come.
Join us as we embrace these days of Lent with open hearts, trusting that our faith grows within—patiently, lovingly, and always for our good.