“Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last.” – Matthew 20:16

In this week’s Gospel, we hear the parable of the landowner and the workers in his vineyard. Like the workers, many of us may also struggle with the landowner’s decision to pay everyone equally, even though some worked a full day, while others only one hour. That is because we are reading into the parable our own preconceived notions of how fairness and equality should work.

When faced with a challenge or struggling through a tragedy, we sometimes call into question God’s presence in our lives. Today we share the story of Rayda and her daughter Daniela from Peru. They live with their family in one of the poorest communities in the country. To make matters even more difficult, Daniela has Down syndrome.

When Daniela was born, Rayda recalls feelings of shock and sadness. She remembers being disappointed with God.

I was confused and felt disappointed with God. I remember asking Him, “Why me? Why have you forgotten me?” I remember feeling ashamed of Daniela and not wanting to take her anywhere. Some days I ignored her as though she didn’t belong to me.

But then something happened. Daniela made her way into my heart. My shame turned to love and gratitude. It’s hard to explain. Today, I can’t imagine my life without her. I realize now that Daniela was a gift – like an angel that God sent to us. I understand better now that God knows what is best and He sends us things for a reason. Daniela is God’s love for me.

Our understanding is transformed when we recognize that the story from today’s Gospel is not about what we feel we deserve or don’t deserve, but rather about God’s love and generosity. Rayda learned that what seemed as a curse was, in fact, a blessing. Let’s pray together and remember that God’s love cannot and ought not to be measured or questioned.


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