Faith in Action — Your Weekly Reflection from CMMB

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Today we reflect with you on the second Sunday of Easter and continue to rejoice in the hope that this season embodies. But the gift of hope and salvation that Easter brings also comes with great responsibility.
When the resurrected Jesus appears to his disciples, he blesses them with the Holy Spirit and tasks them with continuing his mission. Today, as members of our Church community, we are tasked with the same—but our path to discipleship is different.
Rooted in our faith alone, we believe in Jesus’ resurrection and the gift of the Holy Spirit. We have not seen, but we still believe—because Jesus presents himself to us in so many other ways.
We feel Jesus in the love we have for our family. We know Jesus through the reports of his first disciples. We see Jesus, not in his physical form, but in the selfless actions of others.
We recently celebrated Volunteer Recognition Day at CMMB. It was especially meaningful this year, as we sent our first cohort of volunteers to the field since the COVID-19 pandemic halted international travel.
We will conclude today’s reflection with the words of a former CMMB volunteer Samantha Hodge. She served alongside us as a nurse in Kenya prior to the onset of the pandemic. Her words serve as a comforting reminder to our new volunteers in the first days of their journeys.
“Put your whole mind and heart in becoming the hands and feet of God,” said Samantha. “It won’t be easy, but it will always be worth it.”
If you’re interested in learning more about our volunteer program, we encourage you to do so by clicking HERE.
Portions of today’s reflection were adapted from and inspired by the Loyola Press Sunday Connection.