Finding Joy Through Hope—Your Weekly Reflection

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus speaks directly to those who are suffering with the promise of relief and fulfillment. At CMMB, it reminds us to seek joy through hope.
“Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours. Blessed are you who are now hungry, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who are now weeping, for you will laugh.” – Luke 6:20-21
For us at CMMB, these words represent a powerful reminder that true fulfillment is not found in wealth or comfort. True fulfillment is found in service and compassion.
While Jesus speaks to comfort those in need, his words can be considered a call to action across generations.
At CMMB, our mission is rooted in service. We hold ourselves accountable to witness struggles and respond with love. When we serve, we walk in Jesus’ footsteps, bringing hope and healing where it is needed most.
We witness the joy of service every day. Lives are changed through the hands of volunteers, the generosity of donors, and the dedication of staff. Children are nourished, the sick are healed, and communities grow stronger. This is the joy of our journey.
As we embark on this week ahead, we will keep this reminder at the forefront: joy is found not in what we gain but in what we give. Joy is found through hope.