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They all ate and were satisfied. —Luke 9:17

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. In this Sunday’s Gospel, we hear the story of Jesus feeding the crowd of 5,000 people with just five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus blessed the food, and somehow there was enough to feed all the hungry people, with even some left over. This scripture teaches us that, with Jesus, there is more than enough spiritual nourishment to go around, and we will never go hungry. 

Embracing the bond between our Catholic faith and the service we provide to vulnerable women and children, we at CMMB are often called to go beyond just providing health solutions. There is a need for more than just medicine—the need we fill is for compassion and support.

In a recent outreach effort, that compassion took the form of loving messages sent to Syrian women during an event held by one of our partners, the Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees (MFA).

War. Destruction. Displacement. This is what life is like in Syria after eight years of conflict. There are some 11.7 million people in need of humanitarian aid—5 million of those are children. Since April 2017, CMMB has been working with US-based partners to ship medicine and medical supplies to a network of clinics and hospitals operating in Syria to treat civilian victims of this violent civil war.

Since 2017, CMMB has sent $6.7 million worth of medicine and medical supplies to Syria through MFA.

Earlier this year, MFA organized an Interfaith Women’s Health Packing event to fill backpacks of donated supplies to send to Syrian women. CMMB’s Medical Donations Program donated hundreds of bars of soap to include in the packages—a simple item that is in very high demand in refugee camps across the region. With limited access to water, bathing is a challenge. Soap and other hygiene products are necessary not only for health, but also for dignity. In addition, CMMB contributed by ensuring the delivery of the packed supplies to Syria through our Distribution Center in Long Island City.

darnelle casey and christine working on postcards

CMMB team members writing words of encouragement for Syrian women.

One of the most beautiful parts of the day took place when CMMB staff joined other volunteers to write personalized messages on cards in both English and Arabic. These handwritten notes were then inserted into every backpack. For women facing extreme conditions and years of continued violence, the cards are meant to remind them that someone in the world is thinking of them and took the time to pack these supplies especially for them.

The messages included:

messages to syrian women

We have all been in a place of need at some point in our lives, and we remember the kindness of others during those times. Just as we look to God to feed our souls, let us find ways to nourish the souls of our sisters and brothers, near or far, with love, compassion and kindness. And by doing so, we are filled as well.

In grace and peace,

CMMB/Healthier Lives Worldwide


refugee child

*Today’s reflection was inspired by Loyola Press.