Fulfilling Our Promise — Your Weekly Reflection from CMMB

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In today’s Gospel we read about the Last Supper. Told to us by Mark, our passage invites us to celebrate the Eucharist and the promise Jesus made to us on this night.
In the first portion of our reading, Jesus directs his disciples to the house where they will celebrate Passover that evening. In the second part of our reading, Mark describes the ritual that Jesus performs for Passover, writing only of the elements that relate to the Christian Eucharist we celebrate at mass today.
Mark writes, “While they were eating, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, and said, ‘Take it; this is my body.’”
The passage continues with Jesus taking a cup, giving thanks, and passing it to his disciples to drink from.
Mark writes, “He said to them, ‘This is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed for many.”
As Christians, we continue to celebrate this ritual and welcome Christ with the Eucharist at mass. In doing so, we remember the promise that Jesus’ ritual at the Last Supper represents: the sacrifice he will make with his own life to save us from our sins.
Over 100 years ago, CMMB’s founder Dr. Paluel Joseph Flagg made a promise to serve the suffering. Our New York headquarters and five country offices are his legacy and our mission to deliver locally sustainable, quality health solutions to women, children, and their communities is our fulfillment of his promise.
Every medical donation, program, and partnership is made from our promise to continue the work of Dr. Paluel Joseph Flagg.
It is what drives our distribution of medical supplies to vulnerable health facilities, communities, and people around the world. It is what inspires each and every one of our programs, from maternal and child health to economic empowerment and advocacy. Recently, it is what united CMMB and Anera to partner to deliver critical medicines and medical supplies to the rising numbers of displaced families and innocent civilians caught in the violence in Gaza. If you’re interested in learning more about this partnership you can do so by clicking HERE.
Dr. Paluel Joseph Flagg’s promise has come to fruition in many ways and it will continue to do so through new programs and initiatives for years to come.
We will conclude this week’s reflection with a quote from Mother Teresa. We hope it inspires you to look for ways you can celebrate Jesus’ promise, and perhaps even make one of your own on behalf of something or someone you cherish.
“Life is a promise; Fulfill it.” – Mother Teresa
In grace and peace,