Glimmers of Light—Your Weekly Reflection

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.”These are the powerful words taken from today’s Gospel reading. For us at CMMB, we feel a deep sense of gratitude and joy—in these words and throughout the Gospel. Even amid this season of sacrifice, our faith fills us with the light of Jesus’ presence.
To begin today’s reflection, we invite you to consider what these words mean to you. During this Lenten season, how do they resonate with you? What feeling stands out?
John writes, “But whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God.”
During the moments we feel overwhelmed by the sacrifices we have opened our hearts to, we can pause to look for glimmers of light. Maybe it’s a joyous moment shared with a loved one, a laugh with a coworker, or a moment of silence enjoyed privately. Like Jesus’ presence, his light is all around us.
At CMMB, we will return to the stories that inspire us—stories of lives saved thanks to the sacrifices made in support of our mission. Read our recent story of hope and health and join us in gratitude this Lent.