Jackie is a friend of CMMB

My mom’s name:

Jenifer Sant

I am Celebrating My Mother Because:

she deserves to be celebrated every single day. Not only has she been the best role model my brothers and I could ask for, but she is also my best friend who has given me the world and more. My mom is the most selfless person; she gives back to people every day through her work as a nurse practitioner, and as a friend to all. Jen Sant is the first person to give her shirt off of her back to those in need, and makes sure that everyone is able to live their lives to the fullest.

Furthermore, my mom lives life with optimism, humor, and love. She is a beach-loving, joke-making, chocolate enthusiast who knows how to have a good time anytime, anywhere. How could anyone choose to not celebrate this woman?

How my mother has inspired me: 

My mom inspires me in a countless number of ways. What comes to mind to share is my mom’s passion for healthcare and the wellness of others. She carries with her a desire to care for others, and she consistently goes out of her way for those who need support.

As a neurology nurse practitioner for 26+ years at Boston Children’s Hospital, my mother has given hope to an innumerable amount of families and has saved many lives. Although her modesty is evident when she speaks about her work, my mother is the most honorable woman in pediatrics and should always be recognized for her outstanding commitment to the betterment of children and their families’ lives.

My mother has inspired and motivated me to enter the healthcare field from a business standpoint so that I can contribute to the industry’s ongoing advancements through innovative technologies, processes, and cost-containment measures to the best of my abilities. Without her guidance, I wouldn’t have gained this passion.

I am inspired every day by my mom more than she will ever know and I hope that one day I can be half the woman she is. Happy Mother’s Day to all of the amazing moms in this world- we love you endlessly!

I am cmmb Jackie is celebrating her mom for mother's day