A Catholic Meditation on the Gospel

The fourth Sunday of Lent is sometimes called Laetare Sunday. Laetare is a Latin word that means “rejoice.” Even as we observe our Lenten sacrifices, we rejoice in anticipation of the joy that will be ours at Easter. Have you ever met someone who found true joy by making sacrifices for others? In our work, we’re blessed with the support and inspiration of our international volunteers, including Dr. Matthew Jones who recently arrived in South Sudan. It’s a difficult, dangerous place to work. He’s joining our medical staff and the Comboni Sisters at the St. Theresa Hospital in Nzara. Matthew will be caring for the women and children in this very poor, war torn community for the next nine months.

Whoever lives the truth comes to the light.—John 3:14-21

Matthew made a short video to give us a glimpse of his new life in South Sudan. Please take a few minutes to watch it. He introduces us to some of his new colleagues and friends and shares some special firsts he has experienced since arriving to Nzara. We’re sharing Matthew’s video today, on Laetare Sunday, because of the obvious delight and joy that he is receiving by giving of himself to others.


In today’s readings, we find observations about human nature. We think volunteers like Matthew show us how to put God’s love into action. John’s Gospel tells us, “Whoever lives the truth comes to the light.” This is the Good News; it is the reason for our rejoicing in this season of Lent and throughout our lives. Please pray for all our international volunteers as they sacrifice for others during Lent.

Stories of Children Living in Extreme Poverty

Meet Purity

 ​Hunger and deprivation are all one-year-old Purity has ever known. Her family eats only one small meal a day. Contaminated water makes everyone sick, but Purity is especially at risk. You can change her life with food and safe water.

Read Purity’s Story BY CLICKING HERE

Meet baby Peter.

Peter was born two months ago, but he’s never seen a doctor or gotten a checkup. Lifesaving immunizations are critical to babies like Peter, born into extreme poverty. You can give this baby the gift of a healthy life.

Read Peter’s Story BY CLICKING HERE

Alice Mutali Mary 14 years and disabled

All Alice needs is a chance! Born with disabilities, she has never been able to attend her local school. You can unlock Alice’s potential with education to meet her needs, and a better life.

Read Alice’s Story BY CLICKING HERE

*Today’s reflection is inspired by and adapted from the Loyola Press Sunday Connection.