Kate is Celebrating Her Mother Because

Kate is a friend of CMMB
My mom’s name:
I am Celebrating My Mother Because:
she is the strongest and most selfless person I know. She has the ability to handle anything and everything with grace and she is always putting others before herself, especially my sister and I.
How my mother has inspired me:
My mom has inspired me in numerous ways. Her compassion and support for others is something that I admire and try to bring into my life every day. Her compassion shows through the work she does and has done for the past (almost) 30 years as a pediatric nurse. The support she has shown for me throughout my entire life is something I am and will be forever grateful for. I can remember back in high school when I was making a difficult decision about whether or not I wanted to continue dancing at a pre-professional level. Dance was and still is, something that is incredibly important to me, and she knows exactly how much I love it and how difficult it was to make my decision. She never swayed me to go one way or the other, to continue or to not, and she gave unwavering support throughout my decision-making process and every day after.
My mom is a strong, loving, and supportive woman, and I hope to be half the woman she is one day. Happy Mother’s Day Mom – and to all the mothers out there – I love you big!