Lazarous Phiri is a friend of CMMB

My mom’s name:

Well, she’s not my mom, but she has been like a mom to me since 2007. I am celebrating, Teacher Laura.

I am Celebrating My Mother Because:

I lost both my parents at a very young age so I didn’t get to enjoy or learn a lot from them. And when they passed, no one stepped up in the family to fill that motherly role in my life until I met Teacher Laura in 2007. Teacher Laura came to Zambia to help set up Mukwashi Trust School in Lusaka West.

To me, she was more than just a teacher. I looked up to her and still do, I have learned so much from her and her kindness and gestures that I still remember and hold on to. Like that time, when in Grade 5 she invited me and Bright (another student from Mukwashi) to her house that was very close to the school. We shared a meal together and it felt like I had a family again.

She always wanted the best for me and my friends and that’s what a mother would want for her children. She got me involved in a lot of activities to show me what life had to offer (even though we lived in a very poor community). She helped us to dream and fight.

She also taught me how to interact with people, sending me to conferences in Lusaka … she even helped me get into the American Embassy to learn about and apply for scholarships to continue studying. While I didn’t get it, in the end, she continued to encourage me and she always believed in me and still does. And that to me is what a mother should be. That’s a mother I remember in my childhood.

Teacher Laura and the boys who never left her side. I am celebrating teacher Laura. I AMCMMB

How my mother has inspired me: 

Teacher Laura has inspired me in so many ways.

The man I am becoming now is all because of Teacher Laura. And I can proudly say that I have a lot of qualities that I have learned from her – like how to appreciate other people and the importance of giving back to the community I live in. I will never forget those values and will not forget where I come from. It’s something that cannot go away because I learned that at a very young age.

Teacher Laura once shared a book called “Bulu” with me and it’s from that book that I learned:” we cannot change the mentality of old people but we can change the mentality of children.” I am glad she came into my life when I was still a kid.

I can go on and on saying a lot of things about how Teacher Laura has inspired me, but that would require a novel. In fact, I think I will write a novel about that one day, when the right time comes.

Lazarous in the Mukwashi Trust School uniform

Lazarous in the Mukwashi Trust School uniform

Lazarous at university of copperbelt.

Lazarous studying for finals at Copperbelt University