Love in Action — Your Weekly Reflection

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Today’s Gospel takes us to the last supper, where Jesus defines the meaning of love with his disciples.
For Jesus, love is shown through action—through acts of compassion, service, and sacrifice. In many ways, Jesus seeks to show his disciples that love is not always easy. Our gifts of compassion may not be met with grace. Our moments of service may be met with challenge. The impact of our sacrifice may at first feel inconsequential. But, as Jesus tells his disciples, this is the reality of love. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.
Earlier this week, CMMB recognized International Nurses Day. Celebrated annually to honor the selfless work of nursing professionals around the world, it is a day that resonates deeply with all of us here at CMMB.
When we think of examples that embody Jesus’ definition of love, nurses, especially those who serve with us in the field, stand out. Not only do they embody love through the provision of care, but they also spread that love by inspiring others to follow in their footsteps.
In light of this past International Nurses Day, and the important role nurses play in our mission, we would like to share the words of Brooke French, a current nurse practitioner volunteering with us in South Sudan.
With over 24 years of experience in the field, we asked Brooke what inspired her to pursue a career in nursing. Her words remind us of how our actions can have an impact on those around us—even when we cannot see it.
My desire to become a nurse came from watching a nurse in my doctor’s office as I grew up. I found her to be kind, smart, and caring. She remembered a lot about her patients. I also knew I wanted to help people—my dad had some health issues that I could help him with as I grew up.
As I learned more about the role of a nurse practitioner, I liked that I could still be a nurse and also expand my ability to help patients. I pray often for God to work through me and bless my patients. I also pray for God’s will to be done for where I am and what I am doing.
Join us in celebrating Brooke, and the nurses around the world, who make the provision of lifesaving care possible. If you’re interested in learning more about International Nurses Day and the vital role of nurses globally, we encourage you to visit our blog by clicking HERE.
P.S. Check back with us soon for more updates from our volunteers in the field.