Reyna Silva is the Director of Medical Brigades and Medical Supplies Distribution for Amigos for Christ’s operations in Nicaragua. In this capacity, she is crucial to all aspects of product donation coordination: from reviewing offers from CMMB, working with healthcare providers in-country to determine product requests, and for CMMB product donations to Amigos for Christ—arranging customs clearance, organizing distribution, and collecting requisite reporting.
“When you think about inexhaustible energy and smiles…the name of Reyna will come to your mind.” This is how a colleague at Amigos for Christ led off her description of Reyna.
Reyna has been working for Amigos for Christ’s program in Nicaragua for 9 years. Before the pandemic, she was responsible for organizing travel, accommodations, and work for teams of doctors from the US visiting to perform medical missions. Her strength in organizing complex logistics resulted in her leading the medical gift-in-kind (GIK) donations portfolio for Amigos as well. Due to her efforts, GIK medicines and medical supplies donated by CMMB and other NGOs are allocated to health facilities, clinics, and mobile interventions throughout the Chinandega region. She works closely with her team on the ground as well as with MDP staff to ensure that all donated product gets dispensed to those in need as efficiently and with as much compassion as possible.
When asked her motivation to continue working for the people of Nicaragua, Reyna says, “I do this (job) for two reasons – love and passion.”