Our Gratitude—Your Weekly Reflection

We join you in reflection today with an immense feeling of gratitude. In these final hours of 2023, we look back at some of the moments that moved us—from the promise of health delivered to hope for the future made brighter.
In our Gospel reading, Mary and Joseph visit the temple with baby Jesus. It is here that they meet Simeon and Anna. Devout in their faith, they both recognize Jesus as our salvation.
Upon seeing Jesus, Simeon proclaims: “Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in sight of all the peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.”
Simeon’s words hold great meaning for us at CMMB. They are a reminder to celebrate with gratitude the hope that’s possible thanks to your dedicated support, and the light you helped us sustain despite unthinkable challenges faced by those we serve.
Thank you for your generosity, for joining us in reflection each Sunday, and most importantly, for your belief in our mission.
Today we celebrate our impact and tomorrow we ask what more can be done. The answer is no easy task, but together healthier lives worldwide is not out of reach.