“Let Me Be a Ladder”- Reflections from Mwandi

...mission, moving our programs forward and bearing witness to the changing needs of their communities. One of these professionals is Mwauluka, our CHAMPS coordinator in Mwandi, Zambia. We recently had...

2016 Pope Francis Advent Calendar

The Advent calendar is a beautiful way of sharing the joy that Jesus is coming. Sign up for CMMB’s newsletter today and receive a FREE Pope Francis Advent calendar as...

2016 Pope Francis Advent Calendar

...Advent comes from the Latin word meaning, “coming.” During Advent we’re preparing for the arrival of Jesus. We can prepare through prayer, penance and fasting. The Advent calendar is a...

Pope Francis Advent Calendar 2016

The Advent calendar is a beautiful way of sharing the joy that Jesus is coming. Sign up today and receive a FREE Pope Francis Advent calendar as a holiday gift...

Get Your Pope Francis Quote Book for Free!

Sign-up to join our community and receive a downloadable Pope Francis quote book with 52 inspiring quotes for every week of the year that explore universal values with Pope Francis....

Free Pope Francis Prayer Card for All Souls Day

...downloadable prayer card. Please read it during a quiet moment at a place that was meaningful for you and your loved one. Receive a Prayer Card Now * indicates required...

Free Pope Francis Prayer Card for All Souls Day

...downloadable prayer card. Please read it during a quiet moment at a place that was meaningful for you and your loved one. Receive Prayer Card Now * indicates required Email...

Velentina Wins Fight Against Cervical Cancer in Kenya

...staff at Our Lady of Lourdes Mutomo Mission Hospital were able to conduct a follow-up examination. Velentina was declared cancer-free. Velentina is now living cancer-free and is hopeful about the...

Free Pope Francis Prayer Card for All Souls Day

...downloadable prayer card. Please read it during a quiet moment at a place that was meaningful for you and your loved one. Receive Prayer Card Now * indicates required Email...

Weekly Catholic Reflections from CMMB

...seems insurmountable. We invite you to join our community in prayer as we celebrate our shared Catholic values each week. Sign up here to have a weekly reflection sent to...