We love what we do,
but we can’t do it alone.
For more than 100 years, firm in our faith, we’ve worked to deliver the best possible health solutions to women and children in need with honor, respect, and love. We’re taking on today’s health challenges by partnering with organizations that share our mission and vision, all to support better lives for women, children, and their communities in the most remote and disadvantaged regions of the world.
Our partnerships are powerful. They play a key role in our efforts to positively influence global health. We deliver broader, longer-lasting impact in our work through collaboration with a range of extraordinary partners, starting with local communities and including national and local governments, corporations, other nonprofit organizations, foundations, and individual donors. Together, we leverage our strengths, reach, and relationships to reach more vulnerable women and children in need and achieve greater success. Coordinating across multiple sectors to achieve larger-scale social change — a synergistic approach known as collective impact — is more effective than individual organizations working independently on isolated interventions.