Pause and Listen—Your Weekly Reflection

In today’s Gospel, we read about an important event in our faith: the Transfiguration of Jesus. It’s an opportunity to reflect on the value of taking a moment to pause and listen.
Jesus took Peter, James, and John to a mountaintop. It was here that Jesus transfigured before them.
“Then Elijah appeared to them along with Moses, and they were conversing with Jesus.”
As one might imagine or expect, the disciples were shocked. Our Gospel tells us they did not know what to say.
Then, from the clouds, a voice proclaimed, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.”
With these powerful words, Elijah and Moses disappeared and the disciples were left on the mountaintop with Jesus alone. As they descended together, Jesus asked them to keep the events they witnessed to themselves, “except when the Son of Man had risen from the dead.”
The disciples did not understand what Jesus meant with these words, but they listened.
There is so much one might take away from today’s Gospel. For us at CMMB, we are struck by the disciples’ ability to listen and respect Jesus’ words at the end of this text.
We know there is a deep power in listening—to truly hear the sometimes unfamiliar words of another and learn from them. When we develop and launch a new lifesaving intervention, listening is essential to success. We listen to community members to understand their needs and hopes for the future. We listen to local governments and their leaders to understand their approach and areas of opportunity.
Simply put, our work would not be possible without the steps we take to listen and learn. As we continue reflecting during the Lenten season, we will be mindful of the voices we have not yet heard and intentional about keeping our ears, minds, and hearts open.