Improving the Health of Haiti’s Moms and Children

Improve the health of women and of their children under age five.
Funded by
General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church
2016 – 2017
On the Haiti Child Health Project, CMMB worked toward better health for mothers and children in the catchment areas of health centers in Gris-Gris, Gebeau, and Olivier. The aim was better birth outcomes and family nutritional status, and reduced morbidity from major childhood illnesses. CMMB helped improve communities’ health services by renovating health facilities and other structures where needed. In addition, we collaborated with community health workers to establish new mothers’ clubs to teach UNICEF’s 16 Key Family Practices to moms. We later offered club graduates the opportunity to participate in microfinance groups to undertake a small economic development project that would help those women save money to support future in-facility deliveries and overall family health.