Support, Guide, and Learn from Your Brothers and Sisters — Your Weekly Reflection from CMMB

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In last week’s Gospel we read a portion of Luke’s Sermon on the Plain. In today’s Gospel, we read further into this sermon and receive more clarity on what God expects from us as his disciples.
Once again, Jesus surprises his disciples with his discourse on bestowing love and kindness to those who are not willing to extend the same.
Jesus says, “But to you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”
Love has the power to connect us all. Everyone, no matter their wealth or the place they call home, is capable of giving love to others.
Here at CMMB, we recently published our annual report. Giving supporters a glimpse into a year of our work, we are honored to be able to share insights into the challenges we overcame, the accomplishments we made, and the lessons learned along the way—all thanks to the love of our generous supporters.
If there’s one thing that stood out during another year dominated by the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s that, despite the borders and oceans between us, we are dependent on one another—for knowledge, resources, and compassion.
We will conclude this week’s reflection with an excerpt from our 2021 annual report. It comes from Sister Rosemary Moynihan’s letter to our supporters. The publication of our annual report marks a new chapter for Sister Rosemary, whose tenure as CMMB Board Chair comes to its close. Her words encompass the unity that has defined our work over the past year, but the truth behind them will serve as a guide for years to come.
This year the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the reality of our global interconnectedness, our dependency on each other, and the fact that all people and jobs are essential to the wellbeing of the whole—something our work has made apparent as well. We have seen our world shrink. As Pope Francis reminds us, we are all brothers and sisters, all created by God in the image of God, and with this in mind, there are no strangers—just people we have not met.
If you’re interested in seeing how the support of our donors translates into lives changed, we encourage you to take a look at our 2021 annual report, available on our website HERE.
In grace and peace,