In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus and his disciples are approaching the city of Naim when they come upon a large funeral procession. The only son of a widow is being carried out. Jesus, filled with pity for the grieving mother, tells her not to weep. He then touches the coffin and tells the young man to arise. With that, the dead man gets up and starts speaking. The crowd, amazed at what they have just witnessed, praise God, saying, “A great prophet has arisen in our midst” and “God has visited his people.”

For all these people, at this point in time, Jesus is a great prophet doing wonders and speaking in the name of God. Even John the Baptist sent his followers to listen to Jesus and report back to him. John’s question was:

“Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?– Luke 7:19

The time for the full revelation of Jesus’ person and his mission is yet to come. Today we might ask ourselves: is our own personal mission fully revealed?  As a member of the CMMB community, we must consider our daily actions on behalf of the women and children we serve to support their access to health and human dignity.  Let’s be mindful of that mission today and every day.

“Inspired by the example of Jesus, Catholic Medical Mission Board works in partnership globally to deliver locally sustainable, quality health solutions to women, children, and their communities.”  

Inspired by Him, we are motivated by love which can overcome so many things.

“Love overcomes death, virtue trumps sin and good triumphs over evil.”- Most Rev. Joseph M. Sullivan

Support women and children today.

*This weekly reflection was inspired by and adapted from the Loyola Sunday Connection and

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