Trust in Change—Your Weekly Reflection

Today, and in the weeks that follow, we transition to read from Mark’s Gospel. But our conversations about Jesus’ early community and trust continue.
In our Gospel, Jesus proclaims, “This is the time of fulfillment.” The kingdom of God is at hand.”
When Jesus passes the Sea of Galilee, he observes Simon and his brother Andrew fishing. Jesus says to them, “Come after me and I will make you fishers of men.” Simon and Andrew follow.
Soon after, Jesus sees two other brothers, James and John. They too are called by Jesus, and they too answer his call.
For us at CMMB, this Gospel reminds us to trust in the process of change, no matter how daunting. When we embark on a new project, whether it be constructing reliable and safe water sources at a school or outfitting a hospital to handle complicated births, we cannot anticipate every single challenge our teams will face.
Jesus’ disciples dropped everything to follow him. From fisherman to disciple is no small change. Yet they put their faith in Jesus and the future he proclaimed. At CMMB, we strive to embrace change in this way—with trust in its transformative power and faith in Jesus’ support.