Using Our Gifts with Intention—Read Your Weekly Reflection

In many ways, the themes in today’s Gospel are complimentary to last week’s reading. Once again, Jesus speaks to us in parable. He speaks not only of preparedness, but of intention, awareness, and use of the unique gifts we all possess.
Jesus begins the story: “A man going on a journey called in his servants and entrusted his possessions to them.”
He goes on to share how they put the man’s possessions to use. With preparedness, intention, and awareness, the first two double their possessions. The third, however, was too fearful to lose what he was given and takes no action.
When the man returns, he rewards the two workers for doubling his possessions. He criticizes the third for not putting them to use.
At CMMB, we find ourselves reflecting on the gifts that each of us faithful followers receive—and how we use them…
We pray for peace around the world. Sadly, in so many places, peace seems out of reach. And yet, there are health workers serving in challenging, even dangerous, situations. They put fear aside for healing and peace. There are the mothers and fathers, who keep loving and protecting no matter the cost, so that their children may one day know peace.
And, of course, there is you. Thank you for your belief in our mission and the promise of peace. With you, we can continue serving our brothers and sisters around the world with intention and awareness. Right now, they need us more than ever.