Value in Preparation—Read Your Weekly Reflection

In today’s Gospel, Jesus returns to his use of parables to guide his disciples. In the story, he urges his disciples to value preparation.
On the eve of a wedding feast, a group of ten set out to meet the bridegroom. Jesus describes the group, determining some to be wise and some to be foolish.
“The foolish ones, when taking their lamps, brought no oil with them, but the wise brought flasks of oil with their lamps,” Jesus said.
As Jesus goes on to explain, by the time the bridegroom arrived it was quite late, and all the lamps ran out of oil. Those that came prepared with extra oil, relit their lamps and followed him to the wedding feast. Those who did not come prepared, ran to a nearby merchant to purchase more oil. But when they finally arrived at the wedding feast, the door was locked, and they could not enter.
Why is it important, as Jesus shows in this parable, to value preparedness? At CMMB, we think of our medical donations program. When a crisis arises, our team is prepared to act—coordinating with partners to ship highly-needed medicines and supplies to facilities around the globe. Crises don’t happen every day, but our ability to respond with swift intention can make a lifesaving difference.
We cannot conclude this reflection on preparation without sharing thanks with you. Your support is the very reason our impact is lifesaving—during crises and beyond.
Thank you for helping us faithfully nurture this value as Jesus teaches us to.