CMMB’s team in South Sudan rushes to adapt operations in response to growing insecurity.

What to Know

Our team in South Sudan is reporting a sudden surge in deadly violence in and around Tambura, South Sudan. The situation is escalating as incidences of targeted killings rise across the region.

Here’s the latest from our South Sudan team:

  • The situation is dire. Nightly attacks are causing panic and large-scale displacement. Families are seeking refuge at a nearby UN compound.
  • Malnutrition has always been a serious threat in the region, but the displacement is exponentially increasing.
  • Services were suspended at Tambura Hospital after patients fled the facility for fear of the detreating situation.

Our Response:

  • Staff are actively providing displaced families essential services and support, including malnutrition screening and other needed aid.
  • CMMB is urgently procuring items to support the provision of healthcare and temporary shelter for displaced families, as well as communication tools for response staff.
  • The team is monitoring the situation around the clock, prioritizing the safety of staff and those they serve. Where it’s deemed safe, our programs continue with heightened security measures.

Prayers and action for South Sudan

The people of South Sudan are no strangers to conflict. Despite the official end to the civil war in 2018, instability has consistently permeated the region and inhibited the development of a stable health system. The sudden surge in violence and resulting large-scale displacement is expected to have deadly consequences for an already vulnerable population.

“More displaced people continue to move from Tambura and neighboring settlements,” says Jacqueline George, CMMB South Sudan’s Country Leader. “In some communities, we are hearing reports of families hiding in the bush during the night, afraid of attacks.”

Many are taking shelter at a nearby UN compound. Others are finding refuge at schools, churches, or wherever they can find shelter and distance from the violence.

CMMB’s emergency response is focused on protecting CMMB staff and displaced communities. Right now, we are procuring temporary shelter, first aid kits, and essential medicine and supplies. We are coordinating with partner organizations to transport these items via helicopter. Many roads have been deemed impassable due to targeted violence.

Two CMMB staff members previously posted at the Tambura hospital—which now sits empty after people fled in fear of looming attacks—are now positioned to support displaced communities. This includes assessment and treatment for malnutrition. In surrounding areas, we are exploring transport and temporary storage options in case our stocks of community food resources are threatened by the insecurity. In the meantime, we have strengthened security at these storage facilities, which are truly lifelines within these communities.

Additionally, we are equipping our team across the region with reliable communication resources like portable solar chargers, SIM cards, and transportation so they can stay safe and in constant contact with their colleagues.

Time is of the essence, and swift action is necessary to alleviate the suffering of those affected. CMMB was able to launch an urgent response thanks to your support of our Emergency Response Fund. Your donation during this time of emergency will ensure we can continue to respond efficiently and effectively in South Sudan and other areas of crisis.

We do not know what tomorrow will bring for the people of South Sudan, but we continue our lifesaving work, adapting our response as the situation demands. Please keep South Sudan’s humanitarian aid workers and the people they serve in your prayers.