This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased. – Matthew 17:1-9

Today’s Gospel reminds us that the journey of faith includes moments of doubt as well as certainty. Today is the Feast of the Transfiguration and we celebrate an important event in the life of Jesus and his disciples — a voice from Heaven revealing that Jesus is God’s Son. We might also have moments like this in our lives, moments when we are certain about what we believe. But, like Peter, we may not understand fully what we have experienced until later, after reflection.

Jesus and his disciples heard God’s voice clearly from a high mountain. A mountain is also where Moses heard the voice of God. In the mountains of Haiti, our volunteers, community health workers, and families also listen for Heavenly guidance and encouragement. 

Our volunteer, Lucien wrote to us from Haiti. He says:

“I recently had the opportunity to visit the homes of some of the children who are benefitting from the  Angel Investor Program in Côtes-de-Fer. CMMB’s four-wheel drive vehicle is essential to navigate the mountains and remote areas of this community, as the roads are very undeveloped and steep. I worked with CMMB’s team to collect data and check on the children. Extreme poverty has a big impact on families; sometimes it even tears them apart. I met parents who were incredibly grateful that a kind stranger was helping them to overcome the struggle to provide for their children.  I am learning firsthand that human kindness is what keeps all of us going.”

Today’s Gospel and Lucien’s experience show us that there are lots of lessons to be learned on high mountains! But God’s voice is always clear to those who listen for it — no matter where they are. This week, join us as we pray to God to calm our fears, confirm us in our belief, and strengthen our faith.

Yours in grace,
CMMB/Healthier Lives Worldwide
*Today’s reflection was adapted from and inspired by the Loyola Press Sunday Connection.

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