In today’s Gospel, we revisit the inspiring story of a blind man named Bartimaeus. The events that unfold remind us that our faith has no limit. With our faith, no ask is too great, and no ask is too small. Jesus is always listening.   

We find Jesus on his way to Jerusalem, followed by his disciples and a large crowd. Bartimaeus sits on the side of the road and calls out to Jesus.  

“Jesus, son of David, have pity on me,” calls Bartimaeus.  

Again and again, the crowds try to silence Bartimaeus. But firm in his belief in Jesus, Bartimaeus does not yield—and Jesus is listening.  

Jesus calls Bartimaeus over and asks what he wants. Bartimaeus reveals he wishes for his sight, which Jesus grants without hesitation.   

 “Go your way; your faith has saved you,” says Jesus.  

Because of his persistence and faith, Bartimaeus’ sight is restored. Jesus continues on his journey to Jerusalem, and Bartimaeus follows.  

Have you ever faced a task that felt insurmountable? How did you get through it? At CMMB, we turn to our roots. We turn to our faith. Inspired by the example of Jesus, we continue on a journey towards healthier lives worldwide. The end is far, but we make progress with each passing day. Thank you for sharing your faith in our mission—it makes all the difference.